When it comes to self-funded benefits plans that are easy for everyone, we’re experts.
Simplifying the complex world of health benefits is what we’re all about. We guide all kinds of companies to build self-funded plans that fit their specific, ongoing needs—not what insurance companies say they need—while supporting their employees to thrive with great customer support and care.

Plan Design and Administration
We’re the industry leader in helping clients design employee-focused, self-funded health plans, including financing, implementation, and enrollment setup. Read more about our plan design options.

We have a proven track record of helping employers optimize health care spend and keep costs in check. Find out more about our risk management expertise.
It's possible to have better benefits at a lower total cost of care, and we've proven it.
Troy Simonson, CEO Revo Health

Member Services
We don’t believe in phone trees. Our members get live, knowledgeable customer support, a custom employer benefits website, and a personal online account with all their info. Our HealthEZ app lets members review their bills, access their digital ID, and pay their bills on the fly.

Provider Networks
Our provider networks create open connections between medical professionals and patients. We streamline the billing process to benefit both providers and members.