Provider Network Management
Unrivaled experience
We created one of the nation’s first PPOs, so we are uniquely skilled at designing network solutions that reduce cost, increase access to quality care and exceed expectations.
With over 40 years of experience in managing, selecting and customizing provider
networks, HealthEZ is well positioned to create network strategies that form the
backbone of high-performing self-funded benefit plans.

Insider knowledge
HealthEZ understands the PPO business model and how to bring members, employers and providers together for a better health care experience.
We can balance savings needs with disruption, access and custom requirements.
Great care
We believe every member deserves the highest quality care.
We administer custom and multi-tier networks.
Access to the best
As an independent TPA, we work with 20+ national, regional and local networks—including our own, America’s PPO.
Expert network selection and management
As the PPO network innovator, we at HealthEZ know how to maximize savings, access and custom needs—even with the national networks.

20+ national, regional, local networks*

health plans


National, multistate and local network solutions

Custom network and provider contract options
*Including Aetna and Cigna.
Managing claims costs
According to, employee benefits are a top-five expenditure for many mid-sized companies. We deploy extensive cost containment strategies to reduce claims cost while providing access to high quality care.
Quoting and plan design | Management and administration |
Disruption reports | High dollar claim review |
Discount analysis | Professional code edits |
Geo access reports | Benchmarking data for discounts |
Benefit Design | Negotiate overpriced claims |

HealthEZ created the PPO model
In 1982, we introduced America’s PPO as the nation’s first PPO, and it remains the only truly independent network in Minnesota. HealthEZ’s proprietary network consists of world-class providers and health systems, and is designed to deliver high quality, accessible and cost-effective health care services to our members.
APPO offers the most competitive provider
discounts in the Twin Cities and Duluth areas.
growth in 2022
credentialed and
contracted providers
providers under
hospitals, clinics
and other healthcare
4 States
Coverage in Minnesota,
North Dakota, South Dakota
and Wisconsin
The America’s PPO network emcompasses nearly all Twin Cities
health systems and independent practices, including:

APPO Elite Network
Offering better benefits at a lower total cost of care, our narrow network option delivers even greater savings and the quality care of the M Health Fairview, UofM and l-Health Collaborative. This network can be offered as a stand-alone plan or part of a tiered network strategy.
average plan savings
(vs. other common networks)
clinics and urgent care units
ambulatory surgery centers
imaging centers
Want to join our
provider network?
Contact us to see how we can help you get connected.