When you bring costs down and keep them there, everybody wins.

According to, employee benefits are a top-five expenditure for many mid-sized companies. So employers deserve to know where every dollar goes. We have a proven track record of helping employers keep health plan costs in check by:

Keeping claims down while making great care available
Creating high quality networks with great outcomes
Providing care management to help employees get and stay well
Setting up wellness programs so employees need less care
Designing and implementing customized plans and powerful stop loss mechanisms

Saving real money for real customers

Our clients save up to 25% when compared to the cost from their current carrier and average 3% annual renewal rate increases.

While our total plan costs have decreased, our employees have received improved healthcare benefits with flat premium contributions for the past five years.

Troy Simonsen, CEO of REVO Health

Caring for
employees is good
for your bottom line

We create a great member experience, including care management and an easy-to-use app to help keep your employees healthy and focused on what’s important.

Want to learn more about our cost containment methodolgoy?

Download our free cost containment primer!