Video Library

Learn about various health benefits topics from our experienced team and our valued partners. Please note you will hear about 30 seconds of music prior to some webinars. For more information, or to continue the conversation, connect with us at

  • May 2nd, 2024

    Tackling GLP-1s: Understanding Their Role Amidst the Hype

    Take a look at our engaging webinar exploring the trending topic of GLP-1s in today’s landscape.

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  • April 10th, 2024

    Biosimilars: The Key to Controlling Employer Health Plan Costs

    Watch a recording of our webinar, “Biosimilars: Impact and Implications,” featuring Jim Wachtel (Health EZ CRO),

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  • April 10th, 2024

    Welcome to EZFunding – HealthEZ Webinar

    Traditional level funding plans return just 50% of unspent funds. EZfunding,  it’s like level-funding, but better.

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  • February 22nd, 2024

    How We Go Above and Beyond Traditional Care Management

    Listen to a roundtable discussion of how HealthEZ goes above and beyond when it comes to care management.

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  • November 22nd, 2023

    The Personal Impact of HealthEZ Care Advocacy

    See how we work hand-in-hand with our customers to make a real difference in their care.

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  • September 20th, 2021

    Always Be Closing: Using Wimp Junction to Close Prospects

    Chisel your sales muscle and learn how to control the battle for maximum closing ratios. Learn

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  • September 1st, 2021

    You’ve Seen the Rest – Now Meet the BEST!

    When you do something for 40 years, you get really good at it! We’re proud of

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  • August 1st, 2021

    Power of the Pen

    Learn how being first to market with a quote can help you close business. We offer

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