Taking Control of Your Bottom Line: Effective Healthcare Cost Management Tips for Employers

Posted on in Finance, Health, HealthEZ, self-funding

Rising healthcare costs are making it difficult for businesses to maintain their bottom line, so healthcare cost management is essential for employers looking to reduce costs without sacrificing quality of care for their employees. Fortunately, there are effective strategies employers can implement to help manage and control these costs. Self-funded health plans and level-funded health plans are two such options that employers can explore in order to save on healthcare costs. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of these plans and provide tips to help employers manage their healthcare costs effectively.

Understanding the Rising Cost of Healthcare

In recent years, healthcare cost management has become a critical issue for businesses of all sizes, with many companies struggling to keep up with the skyrocketing cost of healthcare benefits.

There are a number of factors contributing to the rising cost of healthcare, including the increasing cost of medical procedures and prescription drugs, an aging population, and the growing prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

Despite these challenges, there are several strategies that employers can use to manage their healthcare costs while still ensuring that they are providing high-quality, affordable healthcare benefits to their employees.

In the next sections of this blog post, we will explore some of the key strategies for effective healthcare cost management, including the benefits of self-funded health plans, level-funded health plans, promoting employee wellness, and working with a healthcare consultant.

The Benefits of Self Funded Health Plans

One way to control costs that employers are exploring is through self funded health benefits plans.

A self funded health plan is a type of health insurance where the employer takes on the financial risk for providing healthcare benefits to employees. Rather than paying a fixed premium to an insurance company, the employer pays for healthcare claims as they are incurred. This allows the employer to have more control over the healthcare plan, which can often lead to cost savings. In addition, the employer is taking on the financial risk, so they are able to eliminate the administrative costs that are associated with traditional health insurance plans. Another bonus of self funded health plans is that they often have lower premium costs than traditional health insurance plans. This can lead to significant cost savings for both the employer and the employee.

Another benefit of a self funded health plan is flexibility. Employers are able to customize the plan to fit the needs of their employees. For example, employers can offer wellness programs and disease management programs to help employees stay healthy and avoid costly healthcare claims. Employers can also negotiate directly with healthcare providers to get the best rates possible for their employees. Some employers opt to call in a third-party administrator (TPA) like HealthEZ to figure out the best plan for their business, either through a broker or on their own. A TPA will help you design the health plan that best meets your organization’s needs.

Finally, self funded health plans can be more transparent than traditional health insurance plans. Employers have access to detailed data on healthcare costs, which allows them to make informed decisions about how to manage their healthcare expenses. This transparency can help employers identify areas where they can cut costs and make changes to their healthcare plan to better meet the needs of their employees.

Overall, self funded health plans can be an effective way for employers to manage their healthcare costs. With cost savings, flexibility, and transparency, self funded health plans can help employers take control of their bottom line and provide quality healthcare benefits to their employees.

Level Funded Health Plans: A Cost Saving Alternative

For many employers, self funded health plans can feel too risky or not financially feasible. In these cases, level funded health plans offer a viable alternative for cost savings.

Level funded plans are similar to self funded plans in that the employer assumes some risk for healthcare costs. However, they come with a level monthly payment that includes both a premium and a contribution to a reserve fund. This reserve fund can be used to pay for large claims, and any unused funds are returned to the employer at the end of the year.

This type of plan can provide savings for employers who have a healthy workforce or have predictable healthcare costs. The level monthly payments make it easier to budget for healthcare expenses and avoid large unexpected costs. Additionally, employers may have more control over the plan design, including choice of benefits and provider networks.

However, level funded plans may not be the best option for employers with a higher risk pool of employees or those who have unpredictable healthcare costs. It’s important to evaluate the financial risks and potential savings before making the decision to switch to a level funded plan.

In summary, level funded plans can offer a cost saving alternative for employers who want to take control of their healthcare costs. It’s important to carefully consider the financial risks and potential savings before making the switch. HealthEZ can provide guidance and support in evaluating these options and making informed decisions.

Effective Strategies for Managing Healthcare Costs

Managing healthcare costs is one of the biggest challenges that businesses face today. However, there are effective strategies that employers can adopt to keep costs under control. In this section, we will explore some of the best ways to manage healthcare costs.

Implement a Wellness Program

One of the best ways to reduce healthcare costs is to invest in a wellness program. Wellness programs encourage healthy lifestyle habits and can help prevent chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. As a result, employees who participate may be less likely to need expensive medical treatment.

Encourage Generics for Prescriptions

Generic drugs are cheaper than their brand name counterparts and are equally effective. Employers can encourage employees to choose generic drugs by making them more affordable through co-pays or lower deductibles. Employees should also be encouraged to ask their doctor for generic options for prescribed medications.

Explore Telemedicine

Telemedicine is a way for employees to receive medical care through digital means, such as video consultations with a doctor. Telemedicine is typically less expensive than in-person care, making it a great way to save on healthcare costs.

Communicate with Employees

Communication is key when it comes to healthcare costs. Employers should educate employees about healthcare costs, including the rising cost of healthcare and the impact that it can have on their financial wellbeing. By empowering employees with knowledge, they can make better healthcare decisions.

Managing healthcare costs is a challenge, but it’s not impossible. With the right strategies in place, business owners can take control of their bottom line and enjoy lower healthcare costs for years to come.

Promoting Employee Wellness to Lower Healthcare Costs

Another way to control healthcare costs is by promoting employee wellness. Employees who maintain a healthy lifestyle are less likely to suffer from chronic illnesses, which means lower healthcare costs for your business. There are several ways to promote wellness among employees.

Wellness programs

As discussed above, many employers implement programs that encourage employees to take care of their health by providing access to gym memberships, yoga classes, and wellness coaching. A wellness program can help improve employee morale and create a healthy workplace culture.

Educating employees on healthy lifestyle habits

Provide employees with educational materials that help them understand the importance of healthy lifestyle habits. This can include information on healthy eating, exercise, stress management, and smoking cessation.

A healthy work environment

Make sure healthy food options are available in the cafeteria or break room. Consider offering healthy snacks and drinks to keep employees fueled throughout the day.

Physical activity opportunities

Encourage employees to take breaks during the workday to stretch, take a walk, or participate in physical activity. Physical activity can help reduce stress levels and improve overall health.

By promoting employee wellness, you can reduce healthcare costs and create a healthy workplace culture. Employees who are healthy and happy are more productive and engaged, which benefits both the employees and the company.

Working with a Healthcare Consultant to Control Costs

While self funded and level funded health plans can be effective ways for businesses to manage healthcare costs, sometimes it can be beneficial to work with a healthcare consultant or third-party administrator (TPA) like HealthEZ. We help employers find the best healthcare plans for their employees and negotiate pricing with insurance providers, often working with brokers on behalf of the organization. Additionally, we can help businesses understand and navigate complex healthcare laws and regulations.

When working with a broker, TPA, or healthcare consultant, it’s important to look for someone who has experience in your industry and with companies of similar size. They should be able to offer a range of options for healthcare plans, as well as provide data and analytics to help employers make informed decisions. They should also have strong relationships with insurance providers, so they can negotiate favorable rates for your business.

One of the most significant advantages of working with HealthEZ is our ability to offer a customized approach to healthcare cost management. Working with you or your broker, we will analyze your company’s healthcare spending and design a plan to reduce costs without sacrificing coverage.